What is stopping you from achieving your dreams?
The dream that, since you were a kid, inspires you when you think of it, it energizes you and gives you this feeling of excitement. What is holding you back? Have you had some rough patches and you feel defeated Did some life choices throw you off track and now you don't feel like you can do it? I am Dr. Dorian Richardson, life beat me up, but here I stand…let me share my story. I have been expelled from high school (as a straight A student), academically dismissed from college due to not showing up to class because of depression, survived domestic abuse (multiple occasions), relationships with narcissists, and the greatest struggle, I survived low self worth and low self esteem! Whew chile...that is a LOT! I remember thinking that no matter what strides I made to be better and have better, that I still felt like something would always set me back. How could I keep going from relationship to relationship, just to be abused, whether it was physical and/or emotional? What was it about me that I kept attracting these abusive predatory men? Maybe I didn't deserve to be in a healthy, loving relationship. Maybe it wasn't in the cards for me. On top of my relationship woes, I felt that professionally I was meeting failure after failure. As I looked at those around me, everyone was excelling in their businesses and careers and I barely had a patient. Why wasn't I excelling? In these moments, for most people and for me at one point, you would want to accept defeat. However, for me, I couldn't settle and accept this as my life. I knew I deserved better and I would have better. A few scriptures would always come to mind. The first, 1 Corinthians 2:9 " Eyes have not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love them." The second, Isaiah 61:3 "...To give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness..." I would meditate on those and I knew I deserved more. So I fought like hell to get it. That fight hasn't been easy and is continual. It started with me doing some honest introspection. I had to finally address some childhood traumas that were easier to ignore. This included feeling neglected and abandoned by my parents. I had to recognize how those things caused my to develop some bad character traits that I used for survival. I had to address my codependent tendencies. I had to deal with my self-sabotage behavior. I had to address my need to control things so I wouldn't be let down. It was a lot! I am still continually working on being a better version of myself. However, in this moment, I am truly living life to its fullest and experiencing pure joy. But it started with me HEALING! Healing for me includes honest self evaluation (because I'm NOT perfect hunny), therapy (yep I need professional help), prayer and meditation, a life coach, self work, affirmations, a STRONG tribe of women (support is everything), and the motivation to stick with it. It hasn't been easy but it's been worth it! I'm so passionate about elevating my life and helping those around me do the same. If you need some support as you become the best version of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, I am here for you. Contact me for empowerment coaching sessions so you can be equip to do your work and elevate yourself! Click here for great package deals.
Do you know how amazing the healing power of nature is? We as living beings are natural and therefore the power of nature is also the power of us. The core practice of naturopathic medicine is as old as healing itself and as modern as new medical breakthroughs. It is defined by principles rather than by treatment options. Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to heal and gives patients the tools for lifelong wellness. As we celebrate Naturopathic Medicine week let me introduce to you The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine that unites all ND’s across the world. First Do No Harm Core to all medical practice is the desire to help the human form and condition. NDs typically approach care by utilizing methods and medicinal substances in the most natural, least invasive, and least toxic therapies. They acknowledge and respect an individual's self-healing process. NDs will refer when the patient’s presentation is outside their scope or level of skill. The Healing Power of Nature Nature isn't just a wilderness. It has a lot of benefits too. NDs recognize the value of our natural world in assisting the healing process. Not only do NDs utilize substances that originate in nature, but they also incorporate a healthy natural environment as foundational to human health. Naturopathic doctors recognize and harness the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself in order to guide patients to wellness and total health. Identify and Treat the Causes Illness does not occur without cause. Causes may arise on many levels including mental, physical, and emotional. Naturopathic physicians seek to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symptoms. Doctor as Teacher How is your doctor-patient relationship with your physician? You need a trusted physician who helps you have a better understanding of what it takes to be healthy and stay well. Don't underestimate a collaborative doctor-patient relationship as it innates therapeutic value. Naturopathic doctors elevate patient health literacy. That means that NDs are part of the team helping patients have a better understanding of what it takes to be and stay well. Treat the Whole Person Have you ever wondered why some of your illness keeps coming back? It is because health and disease are conditions of the whole organism. It involves a complex interaction of your physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors. The harmonious functioning of all aspects of the individual is essential to the recovery and prevention of disease. Naturopathic doctors understand the interconnectedness of our body, our environment, and our lifestyle on your total health. Prevention Have you ever heard of the saying, prevention is better than cure? Do you agree? Naturopathic medicine affirms that it is better to prevent illness and suffering whenever possible. NDs combine all six principles in order to identify potential areas of imbalance and teach patients how to get well and stay well. The emphasis is on building health rather than on fighting disease. The principles are not only an oath, they are the foundation of naturopathic medical education and naturopathic patient care. I hope this gives you an overview of how we ND’s practice naturopathic medicine by stimulating and supporting the body’s inherent ability to heal, we identify the root cause, address it as naturally and gently as possible, and teach patients how to create wellness, and to prevent illness whenever possible. The next blog or two is aimed at helping us to experience freedom. It was about a year ago, I realized that I have never truly known what it was like to live a life of complete freedom. I was always constrained by many things. Whether it was restrictions I put on myself on how to live, restrictions that religion (not relationship with God, there is a difference) put on me, or restrictions that I was feeling because I was trying to please others. I was starting to feel suffocated and I knew I needed to change. So I started some hard, deep, and ROUGH soul searching. I had to start looking at myself with a mirror and fix those dark places. With each adjustment or mind shift, I was feeling a little more free. So I wanted to share some of the things I found to help me so I could live my life in true freedom so I could expand and elevate into my God given destiny. I had weights holding me down and I wasn't in a place where I could elevate to the next level and I was missing on so much from life. So today, I wanted to start with what brought me the greatest freedom. I freed myself from others feelings, opinions, and even their actions toward me. So how do you get to that point?
You have to realize within yourself, that other people's issues are THEIR issues. I know you are thinking, yeah yeah, I knew that already. But I want you to look at that deeper than you are. Have you ever been stressed because someone didn't respond to your good news with the enthusiasm you were expecting? Or have you just felt like someone was acting funny toward you? Or did someone give you some advice because they were trying to be "helpful" but it was really negative? You must realize that other people's opinion of what you have going on comes from a place of their own junk. It's based off of THEIR experiences, THEIR insecurities, THEIR fears, THEIR past mishaps, it's THEIR issues. Sometimes we take others advice as truth but you have to realize that it is a suggestion. It may be wise and a good suggestion, in which case you should heed to that advice. Or it could be far fetched, and you should discard it. If you are thinking about heeding to anyone's advice you have to make sure that it lines up with your overall purpose and it will help you elevate. Life is TOUGH! Adding on the pressure of trying to please other people will make it impossible to excel, elevate, and experience freedom. We are in a season of transition. It is a time where we can transition to a higher place and really start manifesting those dreams and goals we have been working toward or contemplating. However, you will not be able to move if you are still bound by other people's junk. Let their issues be theirs. Walk in the freedom that you deserve. When you start experiencing that true freedom you will realize that you now have the capability to start doing anything you put your mind too. Let's be free together! Join me as we experience elevation, freedom, and manifestation! How many opportunities have you passed on because you didn't think you were good enough? How many times have you told yourself: "you aren't smart, you aren't good enough, you aren't pretty, you should just stop." I know that for me, the negative rhetoric that rings in my head has won numerous times in my life. I have missed out on so many opportunities because I thought those things. Yet the opinions of others are always opposite. Why do we struggle to believe the positive that people say about us? I remember one day I just had reached a breaking point and I prayed a simple prayer. I said "Lord, help me to believe what others say about me." This wasn't the negative things that others were saying about me, but this was the great things that others were saying about me. I was blessed to be surrounded by people who spoke encouraging words over me. People constantly were telling me that I was smart, that I was going to be an amazing doctor, that I was talented, that I could conquer anything. I would always smile and say thanks. But if I am being honest, I never believed them. It took some serious introspection to realize that I could no longer allow past failures and mishaps to write my future story. Negative rhetoric no longer has a place in my life. I had to begin to rewrite what I was thinking about myself. That is NOT easy. I still have moments were I believe this isn't going to work or 'you can't do this'. But at those moments, I immediately tell myself NO and I tell myself I CAN DO IT! I have to encourage myself. After awhile, you will naturally respond with positivity. This positive mindset will begin to manifest a reality in your life that is filled with happiness, contentment, peace, and abundance. Therefore, lets stop blocking ourselves from all that life has to offer. Join me in writing your new reality. Let's manifest greatness together. Remember, you can do that thing that looks too big for you. You can start that business. You can finish school. Your project will be successful. You will have opportunities that no one can stop. As we enter into a new year and new decade we aren't going to be our biggest roadblock any longer, but our biggest cheerleader! We are manifesting greatness from this day forward!
rHave you ever felt that you weren't good enough? Did you feel like that dream wasn't attainable? Have you ever felt like that business you want to start would fail? It's these thoughts that keep us stagnant in our current conditions. I have come to realize that one of the roots of these thoughts is fear. Fear is a powerful tool that paralyzes a person. In its most raw form fear is a defense mechanism our body uses to protect us from impending harm. Unfortunately, our mind doesn't distinguish between fear for physical protection and a psychological fear that is keeping us from making moves into the unknown. It's in those moments that we must exert power over our minds and take one step forward. After you make that initial step and your mind sees that you are safe, each subsequent step will be easier and easier. Let me give you an example. I have been in theater since Kindergarten and I love being up on that stage. However, without fail, before every performance I would be gripped with fear because I was scared of what could happen or what I could do wrong during the show. However, after I got my first line out, all fear would dissipate and I could easily get through my performance.
Remember, fear is not necessarily your enemy. Fear is there to tell you this is something that is new, use caution. Fear is there to tell you that this may be bigger than anything you have done before, proceed with care. However, we take these warnings as stop signs when really they are just yield signs. I can honestly say that when I have moved past fear I have experienced such blessings. Not every venture ends in success, but every venture has ended in life lessons that brought me closer to success. We can no longer allow fear to keep us from fulfilling our destiny. Our purpose in this life is greater than what we can comprehend. Yes, that's scary. However, when we start operating in that purpose, there is such peace and freedom. Many of us are sitting on million dollar businesses. You may have the cure to cancer. You may have a message that will save the life of a person contemplating suicide. The time of holding back because of fear has passed. There is too much riding on it. Too many people are waiting for you to release your gifts. Just take that first step. Then take another. Then another. Soon you will be flowing through destiny like its nothing. I encourage you all to step pass your fear. There is so much waiting for you on the other side. There are no failures, just lessons, so what are you waiting for? It's been a long time since I have posted any blogs. So much life has happened. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would even blog again. As I was going through some tough life situations (which I will be blogging about soon), I felt like I was no longer adequate or qualified to share my insights with people. I felt like since I ended up in compromising situations, it must mean I wasn't fit to help people. For a moment, I let my dark places silence me. I'm sure I am not the only one who has gone through something similar. Have you ever asked yourself, who I am? What makes me capable to help them? What can I do? I struggled for months with these questions. Fortunately, destiny kept gently knocking. It kept probing. It kept asking, where are you, we need you. It kept whispering my value in my ear. It wouldn't let me give up. As I started vocalizing what I was going through I realized there were countless others who were going through the same thing. By speaking up, I was able to reach a host of people I may not have interacted with otherwise. I was able to use my dark places as a testimony and actually encouraged people to get out of theirs. What I thought disqualified me, actually thrust me into a position of qualification that was greater than before. I had an old friend call me recently and she said, I know it wasn't easy for you but you never know what you are going through for someone else. It was at that moment that I realized I couldn't be quiet any longer. I couldn't let guilt and shame keep me down. My worth isn't measured by what I go through. I am greater than what happened to me. I am worth more than any trial or tribulation. I realized my place and I realized my power. I encourage all of you to keep pushing forward. Don't let life stop you from walking in your purpose. There are people out there who are waiting for you to speak up. There are people who need you more now than ever before. It is inevitable that you will go through some tests and trials. But what matters is how you respond after. I no longer wear shades of shame. I see clearly that my purpose is greater than my storm. My storm was just a catalyst that catapulted me into destiny. Now I walk in my purpose, to the greatest of my current understanding. I won't let anyone or anything take my voice again. I realize that it's bigger than me and I am humbled that I am chosen to be able to help others on their journey. It's time for you too to speak up, destiny is calling! #Overcomer #Destiny #Purpose
If you've ever been in jail for any reason, you know that the experience is not pleasant. You are confined in a small place and you have no freedom. Being shackled makes you feel less than human. In addition, the staff treats you as if you are a threat, dangerous, or non-important. While being a prisoner, you spend time thinking about how you got to this place and there is a time where guilt and shame can overcome you. Sometimes you hear of prisoners who have been released and still act and behave as if they are still a prisoner. Mentally, they cannot move into a place of freedom. Every day there are things that remind them of their time locked up and they can't escape that experience. Then there are people who use the time they're locked up to reflect on the mistakes they made and what needs to be done to not be in that place again. Once these people are free, they don't forget where they have been but they use that as a catalyst to rise above their circumstances and achieve more than they have previously. Once free, they operate in liberty and not as a prisoner. As I have gone through life, I realized this cycle is not just for those who have been arrested. This happens to those who have experienced any emotional pain, heartbreak, or tragedy. Maybe someone close to you died and now you are having trouble loving anyone else. Maybe someone you loved betrayed you and now you have trouble trusting anyone else you met. Maybe as a child you have an absent parent, so now you can't love anyone else 100% completely because you are always expecting this person to walk out on you. This is being a prisoner to the pain of your past. Even though these events happened in the past, you have not accepted the freedom that was given to you at the end of the situation because you have allowed it to become who you are. Personally, I know that there is not one situation that I have allowed control over me, it has been multiple. From absentee parents, to broken relationships, to MANY deaths in my family....I have been a prisoner. For so long, I didn't realize that it affected me. I consider myself a strong person, I tend to go through things, shake them off and move on. What I didn't realize was that when I moved on I changed how I interact with others. I realized I won't trust anyone 100%. I realized that I am not capable of loving completely, because in the back of my mind I am always wondering when this person will walk out on me or when will this person do something to compromise my trust in them. So I am never living my life to the fullest because I have these shackles that are constantly pulling me back when I dare to step forward and walk in freedom. Maybe as you are reading this you are seeing that you too are a prisoner to circumstances of your past. There are areas where you are holding back and you are missing out and experiencing life to its fullest. We, including myself, have to change our perspective. Instead of using this pain to hold us down, we have to use it move us upward. We have to redirect the pain and use it motivate us to be better versions of ourselves. We have to use these past circumstances as catalyst to be our destined selves. We can't let people of our past to continue controlling how we live our life today. We have to get to a place of healing. Healing means that the wounds are no longer open and causing pain, but we now have a beautiful scar that will remind us not to go back to where we have been but to move forward to a new place of strength, love, and freedom. Life is too short to live restricted. We have to live in an empowered place where we can soar. From this day forward, lets commit to never being a prisoner again, but instead let's live our best lives and leave our mark on the world. There are many who are waiting for us to break free, they need to see that you could do it so they can do it too!
In Love, Dorian Life seems to be a roller coaster. It's a roller coaster of emotions or situations. I think everyone recognizes these as a part of the life process and it is usually accepted as true, even if it is begrudgingly. What we fail to recognize are the sleep and wake phases of life. During a season of sleep, you are not physically sleep this whole time, but this is a time where you may or may not be aware of your purpose. You are just moving through life or towards a goal but there is no acceleration to reach them. Your sleep phase is when you feel blah at times. You feel like you are making moves but you aren't progressing. It is a season of questions. Why is this happening to me? Why haven't I accomplished such and such yet? Why me? During your sleep season, you can easily loose sight of your overall purpose. However, the sleep season is needed. Physiologically, when you are sleep, your body is repairing itself and building itself up. Spiritually, when you are sleep, God is repairing you, healing you, and building you up for the next awake season. Therefore, the sleep season is crucial. It doesn't always feel good. It doesn't always make sense. You may have some nightmares that you experience. But sleep is CRUCIAL! Therefore, the uncomfortable feeling that may be in this season must be endured. The great thing is, you won't sleep forever. There is a stirring you will feel right before you are awaken. You will know transition is coming because things around you will start drastically changing. Friendships and/or relationships will end. You will start thinking more about getting things done. You will feel an urgency. For some, the stirring is more uncomfortable than the sleep. It's because those last things that need to change happen at this time. It hurts to have to let that friend go that you thought would be around forever. Or realizing you weren't mean for that program you were in. Or you lose that dream job that you thought was essential to life. You have to notice the seasons are changing so instead of being sad and angry, you realize that greater is right around the corner. Right when you let go of those things that are hindering you from destiny, you will be awaken. For me recently, my sleep season was long! For atleast 5 years I was just moving through life. I knew what my purpose was and I made moves towards what I felt needed to be done to accomplish it. However, I was not completely flourishing. I was in medical school and working towards my goal, but only doing what needed to be done to complete it. There was no acceleration toward a greater purpose. Yet, emotionally and spiritually I knew there were lots of thing that were being dealt with. Trauma from my childhood was coming up. Disappointments from life were being dealt with. Rejection I had experienced from others was being addressed. I had lots of questions on why I wasn't where I felt like I should be. Then around the end of June, I felt an urgency to get things done. I felt like I needed to end a relationship that really wasn't going to go anywhere. I had a dear friendship end. I started seeing that I spiritually need to step up. I was disappointed by it all for a short moment. But then I realized that if I was having major changes that I was being shifted into a new season. When I had that realization I was no longer hurt by what happened but grateful that I had the opportunity to be shifted so I could reach destiny. The last shift took place for me when I attended a Trent Shelton show. God did that last shaking and I was instantly awaken! I knew what my greater purpose was. I knew what needed to be done. New connections were made. I realized that by ending the relationship and friendships that I was lighter and though they were good people, they weren't meant for my life. Their connection in my life was keeping me from accelerating. My eyes were open and I could see clearer than before. I started realizing that people around me needed me and for awhile, I was absent. I needed to be showing love to everyone around me and I hadn't been doing that. It was time to start operating in Kingdom purpose and not just Dorian's purpose. Being awaken has been great. It is because at this moment I know not only am I fulfilling my dreams but I am fulfilling my God-given purpose in life. My life is not my own. My purpose in life is not for me. It was after I was healed in my sleep and awaken, that I was able to begin to effect change in the lives around me. That, in the end, is what it is all about. I am now free to love others to life! I urge you to recognize your seasons, get what you need from them and live! There are others who are waiting on you! |
AuthorDr. Dorian's goal is to affect others lives through love. through love, she hopes to motivate and empower people to become the best version of themselves. DISCLAIMER:
The information in these blogs are not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Please consult with your physician for medical advice pertinent to your situation! Archives
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